Monday, January 21, 2008

Taking Care of Business

What a rollercoaster I've been on, but I'm not complaining. Let's see. Did I mention that our old Crosley chest freezer had been complaining? I think that thing, bought a couple of years secondhand even, is about 27 or so years old. It has never had many problems, so when it became temperamental a few days ago, we thought "it's about time." Fast forward to having the repairman out to the tune of $50 labor and $20 for the hard start relay. At today's rate, that is quite reasonable. When we questioned to him the reasonability of repairing that old unit versus buying a new one, he exclaimed, "Oh, no! You'd never get a new one nowadays made that well." So, it is chugging right along.

Next challenge: I noticed a little sensitivity in a tooth that had had major repair a few years ago. The pain seemed to be hanging on, so on a quick trip to the dentist and an assessment there, it didn't take long to determine that I have a rather significant abscess. So, in order to get that taken care of, I have been on antibiotics for a week, and on Wednesday I will have a root canal. That strikes terror in the heart of most people, but actually, technology has improved so over the past years that it is not that much of an ordeal. Here's hoping. However, I am facing rather complicated repair to other teeth, so Piggy Bank, here we come. My main problem has been remembering to take the meds at the time they were due.

Another challenge that I have dreaded so terribly bad was that in December my laptop computer konked out. With the holidays, etc., I was not in the frame of mind to deal with calling Dell Support and possibly getting someone across the world to talk to. Ever done that? I have tried that, and it is one of the more stressful things I've come across. So, having a backup computer, I put it off, thinking that I would come up with a solution that I could handle. I did have the paperwork that says the computer is still under warranty. SO, this afternoon, just like I had an epiphany, I went to Dell Support Online and chose the option of their chat support. Now why had I not done that before? This very nice person walked me through some questions and tests and decided that they would replace the motherboard and have a technician come to my home to do that. How simple was that? So, I am awaiting a call from the technician, and then I will be back to my spoiled self with my laptop baby back in operation hopefully.

The only thing I think we have done today that was productive in this very chilly weather we've had (didn't get above 45) was that hubby took the kitchen refuse to the compost bin. While he was out, he gathered some purple top turnips, and soon I will be preparing that for supper. Gotta have a little cornbread to go along, of course. The green tops from the turnips that I don't add to the pot will go back to compost.

Each day has its own challenges, and I'm sure tomorrow will have its share. But today I am proud of getting that issue of the laptop taken care of. How I dreaded that!


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